Soil quality - sampling of soil invertebrates - part 1 : hand - sorting and formalin extraction of earthworms 土质.土壤无脊椎动物的取样.第1部分:蚯蚓的手工拣取和福尔马林萃取
Soil quality - sampling of soil invertebrates - part 2 : sampling and extraction of microarthropods collembola and acarina 土质.土壤无脊椎动物的抽样.第2部分:微型节肢动物的取样和萃取
As one of the key soil invertebrates , earthworms can greatly impact soil processes , and thus was named as " ecosystem engineer " 摘要蚯蚓能够对许多决定土壤肥力的过程产生重要影响,被称为“生态系统工程师” 。
Soil collembolan is deemed as an epitome of soil invertebrate and medium - sized soil animals because of its abundance in species and hugeness in biomass 摘要土壤弹尾目昆虫作为无脊椎动物和中型土壤动物的典型代表,其具有丰富的种类和巨大的生物量,在重金属污染环境评估中具有十分重要的地位和独特的优势。